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  • 万兴全景神拍www.powercam.ws



    powercam.wondershare.cn - 2020-04-24 - 收藏
  • 墨西哥好声音La Voz México

    墨西哥好声音La Voz México

    墨西哥好声音(La Voz México)是好声音系列的墨西哥版本,由Canal de las Estrellas电视台播出,第一季开始于2011年,由盲听海选、擂台战以及最终的直播秀三个阶段组成,导师包括Paulina Rubio、Jenni Rivera等,该节目旨在为乐坛的发展提供一批怀揣梦想、具有天赋才华的音乐人。La Voz… México es el concurso de talento que lo cambió todo, ya que le dio la oportunidad a todos aquellos que sin importar su apariencia

    www.lavozmexico.com - 2020-04-24 - 收藏
  • PNUD Venezuela - Inicio

    PNUD Venezuela - Inicio

    Programa de las Naciones Unidas en Venezuela

    www.pnud.org.ve - 2020-04-24 - 收藏
  • Disney.com


    The official website for all things Disney: theme parks, resorts, movies, tv programs, characters, games, videos, music, shopping, and more!

    disney.com - 2020-04-23 - 收藏
  • 欧司朗中国照明有限公司



    www.osram.com.cn - 2020-04-23 - 收藏
  • United Nations Environment Programme(联合国环境署)

    United Nations Environment Programme(联合国环境署)

    the united nations environment programme (UNEP) is the voice for the environment in the united nations system. it is an advocate, educator, catalyst and facilitator, promoting the wise use of the planet's natural assets for sustainable development.

    www.unep.org - 2020-04-20 - 收藏
  • UNDP(联合国开发计划署)


    UNDP is a solution-oriented, knowledge-based development organization, supporting countries to reach their own development objectives and internationally agreed goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

    www.undp.org - 2020-04-20 - 收藏
  • United Nations World Food Programme(世界粮食计划署)

    United Nations World Food Programme(世界粮食计划署)

    WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger.

    www.wfp.org - 2020-04-20 - 收藏
  • Tangram(七巧板)


    抽象出细粒度的 JavaScript 接口,你可以基于她快速构建出高度互动的 Web 应用程序,简单而且高效,这就是Tangram,一个中国最具潜力的 Web 前端开发框架!

    tangram.baidu.com - 2020-04-20 - 收藏
  • Zend


    A bottom-up rewrite of the PHP scripting engine. It features a modular architecture, vastly improved performance, and greater scalability.

    www.zend.com - 2020-04-18 - 收藏