法国Festival des Architectures Vives 建筑节是法国知名的建筑节之一,旨在提高公众对涉猎广泛的建筑领域的更多关注,不仅展示出年轻一代的建筑师、景观建筑师和城市规划师的作品,而且对意想不到的城市领域进行探索。festivaldesarchitecturesvives.com
festivaldesarchitecturesvives.com - 2021-01-23 - 收藏 -
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DesignBoom:工业设计平台自从1999年起便成为艺术设计领域的大本营,独立报道一系列设计,建筑,艺术,摄影及平面设计方面的先锋作品这是一个展示工业设计的网站。est. 1999 designboom is the first and most popular digital magazine for architecture & design culture. daily news for a professional and creative audience.
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Wallpaper* is the world’s number one global design destination, championing the best in architecture, interiors, fashion, art and contemporary lifestyle
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StylePark:设计公园国际建筑设计平台是一家国际领先的建筑和设计平台,设计文化的世界,囊括建筑设计,室内设计,家具设计,设计材料,设计资讯等和设计相关的话题。Stylepark - the international platform for design and architecture with an online-magazine News & Stories and a detailed product data base.www.stylepark.com
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BIM Task Group
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Evermotion:高品质3D模型资源网是一个在国际上非常出名的建筑装饰模型资源网站,ARCHMODEL的生产商,虽然是收费的,但是依然流传很广,网站里也有部分免费模型贴图等资源下载。3D models, textures, tutorials, architecture, 3d, computer graphic, digital art, vray render
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The American Institute of Architects美国建筑师学会The American Institute of Architects... Join us this June in Denver for the industry's most comprehensive national event. Education seminars cover topicswww.aia.org
www.aia.org - 2020-04-24 - 收藏 -
澳大利亚皇家建筑师学会Responsive to climate Economic of resource Demanding of technology Greater than us" Rodney Uren 1948-2012. Community The architecture profession Awards gallery...www.architecture.com.au
www.architecture.com.au - 2020-04-24 - 收藏 -
国际建筑师协会Formulaire de recherche Search this site qui sommes nous ? devenir membre ressources contact espace membre e-newss'informer participer exercer se former...www.uia-architectes.org
www.uia-architectes.org - 2020-04-24 - 收藏